Friday, June 22, 2007

Star Gate SG1 series finale :Spoilers:

So the Star Gate SG1 finale has just ended and well.....huh? I mean don't get me wrong, it was a good episode....But as the SERIES FINALE? It...solved NOTHING.

Here's a quick rundown of the episode.

The crew are on the Prometheus going to meet the Asgard. When Thor arives on the ship he tells them that none of the Asgard's plan the save their race has worked and that their genetic whatever was failing and they were all going to die soon. So insted of just waiting around to die the Asgard were going to give the humans their technology and blow up their planet. (Just a bit of an over kill if you ask me)

All that happens, but their is a problem. The Ori can tract the Asgard tech even in hyper space so ever time the Prometheus comes out their attacked by an Ori mother ship. The tech the Asgard gave the Prometheus is capable of taken down Ori ships, but soon their attacked by more then they can handle and their force to make the decision to abandon the ship and let the Asgard tech be destroyed. Daniel not wanting to let that happen protest and Sam comes up with a plan to surrounded the ship in a time dilation field to give here more time to figure out a way of saving the ship. Hoping it would take at the least three months(the amount of food and water they would have) the crew begins to wait.

During that time span Mitchell runs alot...Landry does some gardening and Daniel and Vala have a dramatic scene that results in them becoming a couple. (One + of the episode)

Sam can't figure out any way of saving the ship but they do have a way to materialize stuff so they can stay longer and give Sam more time. 50 years pass Landry dies and the crew all grow old (besides Teal'C who looks the same besides one grey patch of hair.)

Earlier Vala had made the suggestion to try and go back in time (their was some techno talk I can't hope to type out) Sam told her it was a good idea, but that it would not work because a time dilation field and going back in time were two totaly different things. Well apparently 50 years later Sam figures out how to go back in time but after 50 years they no longer have the power needed to do so. Mitchell makes the suggestion to let the on coming Ori blast re power the ZedPM and after some more Techno talk they come up with a plan that requires one person to stay old (that person ends up being Teal'C because he's still got many years left to live being a Jafa and all)

The plan works, and besides Teal'C they all grow young and forget everything that had happen in those past 50 years. They escape the blast, and all is good.

The episode ends with Vala pestering the now old Teal'C about what happened during the 50 years but Teal'C wont say anything. The Crew all talk for a bit (Happy stuff and all) and they walk through the gate for another normal mission.

The End. Oh and Landry is alive again.

Like I said was a good show(not great but good)....but not a good series finale. Their was NO Jack. (MAJOR dissapointment) I know their's going to be some Movies to end the story, but I think they could have done a little more with the finale.

Well, that's my view on the episode. I was only half watching the Atlantis season finale, but it seemed kind of boring from what I saw. (I'm just not to into the new replicators very much.) But I'm NOW looking Uber forward to the next season because Amanda Tapping (AKA Sam) is going to be joining the cast.

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